Archive for December, 2022

Citizens’ Bank Employees Spread Christmas Cheer

Citizens Bank Minnesota and its employees were excited to help organizations and families in need this Holiday Season. Our Main Office in New Ulm partnered with Brown County Family Services through their “Adopt a Family” program to help an area family by purchasing clothing, hats and mittens, a grocery card and household items. Our Watkins, La Salle and Ormsby locations were able to purchase needed items to assist six families. Our Lafayette Branch donated funds to Santa’s Closet and our Lakeville Branch participated as a Toys for Tots drop-off site.

Money was donated by employees, raised through a variety of internal fundraising events throughout our locations, and a bank match was given making it possible to donate over $3800.00 in gifts and necessities for these families and organizations.

We were happy to help these organizations as well as families who would have had an otherwise difficult time purchasing the needed items themselves. It was also a great way to remember what the Holidays are truly all about!